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In today’s retail market, I believe honesty is the best policy. That’s why I have worked to design the most generous, fair, and transparent policy for my clients. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.



As I work to make clients the best products they can get, I want to provide you guys with a safety net in the rare occasion an order doesn't work out. If the art does not meet the standards of the agreed upon the client is entitled to receive up to 50% of the total cost agreed upon. Refunds are not accepted after the finished product is given to the client. Artist is not responsible to replace or rebate the original materials if given by the client.


Holding Fees

If the product purchased is not picked up 30 days after the completion date without an agreement with the artist prior, a holding fee of $3 per day may take place. This fee is also applicable to shipment orders who withhold sending information or finished payment for 30 days after the completion date. The artist will notify the client of a holding fee before it begins.


Abandoned Purchases

If the client does not pick up their purchase without an agreement of picking up or completing the transaction after 30 days of project completion; the artist may consider the project as abandoned. This also applies to shipment orders who withhold sending information or the finished payment that does not have an agreement on completing the transaction with the artist. An abandoned product may be disposed of without a refund. The artist is not responsible to replace or rebate for any original materials given by the client. 


Refusal of Service

As I do my very best to provide the best service to my clients, I expect a level of respect and honesty from my clients in return. Though if a client makes threats, verbal abuses, becomes physically threatening, causes a scene, is visibly intoxicated or puts the artist in a compromising position the client may be refused service without a refund.  

©2023 by Airbrush Alex

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